Special Needs Riding Opportunities
Kathryn has training and success in instructing riders with High Functioning Autism.  In 2018 Kathryn had a rider with Autism qualify for the National division of the Exceptional Riders Cup.  Kathryn will be instructing this same rider to compete in the Special Olympics in 2020.  

Testimony from one of our Parents:

Putting into words our experience at Landon Farm is almost impossible.  My daughter has Autism, and I never thought she would ever ride a horse independently.  I heard about Landon Farm from a friend and called Kathryn. Without hesitation, she said let’s give it a try and maybe she can learn to walk on a lead.  That was two years ago.  Now, Blaire is independently riding, trotting and cantering, competing in shows and qualified for the National division for the Exceptional Riders Cup.  Did I ever in a million years think this was possible ? NO Way.  The reason this has happened is because Kathryn has never treated my daughter as “different.”  She has the same expectations for her as any of her other riders.  Our experience at Landon Farm goes beyond ribbons and metals.  It has been life changing.  We have finally found a place where my daughter belongs and feels accepted.  She is a staple now at the barn and is part of the Landon Farm family.  As a mother of a child with special needs, having my daughter engage in an activity where she is not only accepted, but challenged is a blessing.  Blaire has excelled not only in her riding, but she actually has friends at the barn and has bonded with each and every animal there.  I see a future for her beyond riding at the barn.  Kathryn has taught me that there are no limits for my daughter.  Landon Farm has changed the lives of our whole family and has given us hope again.  Kathryn Taylor truly has a gift way beyond the instructional level.  

Jenny Gandee
Proud mom of Blaire Gandee